"The Music & Entertainment Industries supporting Childrens Charities"

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2024 Golden Stave Charity Lunch

  • 2024 Golden Stave Charity Lunch

    Golden Stave Charity Lunch 2024

    Golden Stave Charity Lunch

    Fri 25 Oct 2024, 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM, Four Seasons Hotel, 199 George St, Sydney NSW 2000

    Golden Stave Foundation
    Golden Stave Foundation Golden Stave Foundation, PO Box 879, Cherrybrook NSW 2126

Golden Stave Donations

  • Golden Stave Donations

    Golden Stave Donations

    Golden Stave Donations

    Wed 30 Oct 2024, 12:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Hordern Pavilion, Driver Ave, Moore Park NSW

    Golden Stave Foundation
    Golden Stave Foundation Golden Stave Foundation, PO Box 879, Cherrybrook NSW 2126

Your golden ticket to the 2023 Golden Stave Charity Lunch awaits.

6 Sep 23 - 43 years, $15 million raised, 50+ children's charities in NSW empowered. Covid couldn't keep The Golden Stave down! WE'RE BACK!

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